« 2016年12月 | 英会話幼稚園ソフィー | 2017年02月 »

2017年01月 アーカイブ


☆We had fun time,today☆

Today we had a very busy day of practicing songs for the graduation show, making origami boxes for mamemaki coming up soon, and learning a new word with our new song.

We have incorporated a new style of vocabulary building for the Sophie kids. We sing the "Word of the Day" song! Today was our first time, but we sang it more than 5 times AT LEAST so, the kids must have memorized it by now. The words go like this...

There was a word of the day and REACH was the word, R-E-A-C-H, R-E-A-C-H ,R-E-A-C-H, & REACH was the word♪

Today's word was reach. Some kids
were asking me, "Teacher, how do you say 届かない?". I thought it was a perfect new vocabulary word to learn. 届かないis said, "I can't reach" in English. Now the kids can have a conversation such as...
I can't reach. Can you pass me the eraser?
Sure. I can reach. Here you go.

We practiced acting out these kinds of dialogues to not only understand the meaning but also be able to USE these words. & Thanks to our new song, they know the spelling (๑・̑◡・̑๑)Please ask your kids for "the word of the day" to make sure they still remember when they are home. From now on, we will have a "word of the day" every day in a fun song!! ♪

The origami boxes we made for the setsubun holiday are not fuuully finished so we'll leave it a surprise for when they're fully decorated and done!

Now, some funfilled pictures for your enjoyment. For lunch time, the kids have been playing a game... "who likes??" without me saying anything!! They take turns saying things like "who likes mickey mouse", "who likes hello kitty" and
raise their hands. It's
great to see them practicing their English on their own so naturalcy. Here are some pictures!Goodbye for now!
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☆We learned about Italy(^-^)☆

The weather's been quite nice so a trip to the park or a short walk outside can make us healthy and happy. Unfortunately, I have heard lots of news of the flu picking up the pace and spreading. Fortunately, we haven't had any cases yet at Sophie... But let's all be extra careful with keeping our hands clean and wearing masks if there's even a slight sign of coughing/fever/runny nose/headaches. 

Also, extremely sorry for the late post but this is an update for our day on Wednesday! The teachers have been preparing long and hard for a graduation play!! Yay! The kids accustomed themselves to some new songs for the play by dancing with eachother. How sweet! 

For world studies, we covered Italy! The children should all be able to tell you about the capital, money, how many hours the plane ride is from Japan, famous foods, and a famous painting! That's because we had a test. Some of the questions may have been difficult but all the kids ended up doing very well. After everyone got a good score, we made pizzas to celebrate!! Well, paperpizzas haha. The kids loved making the pizzas with papercheese, papercrust, paperpepporoni, and ofcourse to make it healthy, paperveggies! A great review of the vocabulary we learned would be to make real pizzas at home o(^-^)o The kids would probably say "Mama mia!! (oh my gosh in Italian) "the whole process. 

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☆We learned class rule☆

Good evening to all!! ☺︎
Today we learned new
classroom rules...Please go over them with your children. Especially no japanese!! We try to make the classroom an all
English environment for the kids, but parents too must tell your kids the same! Practicing at home is just as important as learning in school. Ask them about our 7 new rules,  including SHARING is CARING!
We make sure playing outside is in English too!
Games like tag, touch, hero, monster are our favorites!
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Lastly, we used class TIME to learn about RHYME! Words that rhyme are words with the same ending sounds like cat, hat, rat, sat, mat, pat, fat! That's why we read the book, "Cat in the Hat" together out loud to practice pronunciation and rhyming ♪ We also worked on challenging worksheets to review and strengthen the new knowledge. Look at all our children making HATS, after reading a book about funny CATS! (ending with a rhyme that's not so GOOD, but i did the very best that I COULD)
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☆Kid’s smile makes us Happy☆

Hello everybody!! How are you on this sunny & bright January day? The Sophie kids are absolutely obsessed with playing "monster" outside on the playground which is obviously a game where the teachermonster pretends to eat up the kids and chase them... I
tell them it's not halloween season anymore, but they just won't listen! Take a look at our senseimonster and the kids scuttling away helplessly. Wow! They are actually very quick to get away.

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It's cold outside but please don't worry. At Sophie, we make sure they are warm in their coats and also ventilate the classrooms often. We neeeever forget washing our hands & mouths out ☆ We strive to teach the kid good habits.

Today was one of our funnest and challenging topics-WORLD STUDIES♡Today, we focused on California, 1 out of the 50 states in U.S.A. We learned the dangers of hunting and destroying our environment. One species that went extinct and no longer lives in California is the grizzly
bear. We talked about what WE can
do to help animals, environments, and
earth be healthy! To end the lesson we made grizzly bear masks "arrrghhh!!"(they are too cute to be scary bears but oh well ☺︎)

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☆We learned many vocablary☆


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Bonjour! Hello!

Today at Sophie, we learned about France, made our own Eiffel towers, and sang a new
song! :)

Bonjour! ♡
That's French for "hello" as we learned today in world studies. World studies is a class where we learn and compare other countries while learning new vocabulary to understand our own.

The kids learned EUROPE, EURO, CLIMATE, EIFFEL TOWER, MACARON, CAPITAL, BAGUETTE, STATUE and much much much more! They are always so interested in other countries :) Please ask them what they learned about Spain, Thailand, France so far. Hopefully, they will
tell you a ton of information. Please review
and ask the kids what they have learned every day so they don't forget.

We also learned a new song and dance ♪
We are going into town with our friends!
We are riding the red bus with our friends!
Also, we are practicing many other songs. Practicing at home is also very important, so try to make them sing at home too :)




☆みんな楽しみなWorld Study(^-^)☆

今日は、みんなが大好きな「World Study」をやりました。世界の国について深く掘り下げ、お勉強していくレッスンです。英語だけでなく、それぞれの国の言葉(挨拶)を使ってみたり、英語との音の違いを楽しんだりしながら、先生のお話しにしっかりと耳を傾けていましたよ☆
ぞうさんも、住む地域によって身体の色が違うんです(@-@) 大人が聞いても本当に楽しいレッスンでした♪

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Please step like penguins! Please hop like rabbits!というようにそれぞれでオーダーを出しました☆
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週末から本当に寒い日が続いていますね。 インフルエンザも流行しているようですので、お気を付けください☆(Sophieでは幸い、インフルエンザは出ておりません)


〇 How do you say 〇〇〇 in English?
〇 I don't understand.
〇 Please speak slower



ランチの後は、お外遊び♪ みんなでおにごっこをして、いっぱい身体を動かしましたよ!

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Bid Kidsのみんなは、「表現すること(Speaking,Singing,)」を一番に意識してきました。

Small KidsもVocabularyを増やしながら大きい声で先生の問いに答えることができるようになりました。毎日元気いっぱいに走り回っています(笑)





Spring is just around the corner

Hello , guys ! the wether changes randomly as well . just feeling like that is spring coming ? or is it still winter ? :)
but kids have been great same as always ! and We made handprint flower crafts . Hand print flower crafts are a great way to celebrate spring with kids . and I'm just feeling that they're growing up so fast . finally the lesson of singing for graduate ceremony and show already started . so looking forward to seeing them then see you next time ! have a wonderful day !




