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A Busy Day of Studying!!

Saturday school of the new term has begun! Welcome back students ☻
Right off the bat, we started our lessons of the day. For some students, we went over some of the ABC's and phonics. Today was K, G, F, and B. This worksheet is great because we can study new words as well like fist, goose and football! Phonics are difficult because it is easily mixed together with how we read letters, so it is good we focused on a few letter at a time. Other students reviewed under, on top of, next to...etc. For example, the cat is `on top of` the bed. These are words we use in everyday conversation so they are very important! Students studying for Eiken used the morning to do a mock listening test. One student only got one question wrong! Great Job!

さっそくレッスン開始です(^▽^)/ 一部の子たちはABCとフォニックスのお勉強。今日のワークシートはK,G,FとBのおさらい。フォニックスのお勉強はやっぱり難しい。。文字の読み方をこんがらがっちゃうので少しずつお勉強していくのが大切ですね!
他の生徒たちはunder, on top of, next to...などを復習しました。日常会話でもでてくる単語なので、大事!そして、英検のために勉強している子たちは本番のようにリスニングをやってみました。見事に一問以外は正解していて、確実にレベルアップしています。みんなよくできました!





During break time we played two different types of games. One was Chain Spelling, a game where we a student tries to spell a word and the next student tries to do the same thing but starting with the last letter given. This game is a great way to practice our spelling and have fun at the same time! The second game was pictionary! For this game we have to guess what one student is drawing in English!

休憩中は二つのゲームをしました。一つは英語でしりとり!例えば、一人の生徒がappleと書いたら、次の生徒はeから始まる単語をかんがえなきゃいけません。このゲームは知っている単語のスペルを復習できちゃいます!もう一つは生徒がどの絵を描いたか英語で当てるゲームです! 生徒同士張り合いながら、楽しく遊びました!




